Sudario (Shroud)
My commenary
Being a theme from which some notes and three finished pieces emerged, I classified the set as a series.
The first photo was taken and prepared to compose one of the sections of the S8 Ou (Or),
It was collected by curator Francisco Salas, framed and exposed, without title, in the exhibition I Walk the Night, 2019, Gallery PM8, Spain.
Used for other elaborations it had two of its autonomous derivatives initially titled as Sudario. With the exhibition I Walk the Night it occurred to me to identify them as series, with name and surname.
The one on I Walk the Night "et pour cause" won the title Nocturnus Itineri Sudario, Primus. The others its derivatives were called Nocturnus Itineri Sudario, Secundus and Nocturnus Itineri Sudario, Tertius (Shroud for Night Walk, ...First, ...Second, ...Third).
There are stories related to them: seeing the finished and printed photo, just a face, the painter Boi noticed, with his sensitive and trained eye, that the model was photographed lying down. In conversation with Emanoel de Melo Pimenta about the need for titles, he advises me "give a title. Use something as a Latin name and that's it". It was what I did as I had done before.
The photo colected by Francisco Salas was, for me, support for something more elaborate. When I saw it framed in a exhibition, I remembered a passage with Gastão Magalhães, now a nominated artist, on the occasion my student of Communication Theory at FAAP, Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado. He spat on a theoretical test sheet, scribbled "everything the artist spits is art" and left. I realized that even though I'm the author, I don't own what I do, once done.
For the title format I used what I saw in the title of the delicious Gerifalto Primus et Secundus by Celso Paulini, São Paulo, S / Ed, 1979.
Where I learned that
"Love is naked. It is form and a startle.
... "
Gabriel Borba, 2020