Oeuvre It is not about the Achievement. It is about the Journey. Genre Audiovisual Super 8 VT Drawing, collages and related Inserts, copybooks and artist's books Instalation Notebooks and scattered annotations Objects Paintings and related Performance Visual Poetry Works, Series and Collections A Mão da Moça (The Hand of the Girl) Ambiente de Confrontação (Confrontation Environment) Apenas (Just) Arte ou Similar (Art or Similar) Artemicro (Artmicro) bord (bord) Caixinhas (Little Boxes) Cartas de Alexandria (Letters from Alexandria) Cicatriz (Scar) Cor estudo (Color study) Corpo che cade Deconstrução Em Quatro Desentende-se Melhor (Four are Best Misunderstood) Figura (Figure) Gestörte Numeration Hino dos Vencidos (Anthem of the Defeated) Imagens de Urgência (Urgency Images) Jaula da Anta (Tapir's Cage) Lembranças de Viagem (Travel Souvenirs) Limiar do Visível (Threshold of the visible) Mandinga Mascara video installation Nós (Us or Knots) O Estado das Coisas (The State of Things) O Gato Acorrentado a Um Só Traçado (The Cat Chained to a Single Stroke) O Vento Uiva, ouça (The Wind Howls, listen) Objeto ME Obra esparsa (scattered works) Operador (Operator) Opereta Pequeno Mobiliário Brasileiro PGU 666 and Artista Profissional POESIA eVENTO Portraits Rebusteia Receita de Arte Brasileira Risco Arisco (Risky Risk) Saga do Guerreiro Morto (Saga of the Dead Warrior) Série Carnavalesca (Carnival Series) Sudario (Shroud) The Lady I long for TRÄMA Transparências (Transparencies) Um Golpe de Dada (A Coup of Dada) Urnas (Urns) Vinte Pagina (Twenty Pages) Visitando Miró (Visiting Miró) Genre Audiovisual Super 8 VT Drawing, collages and related Inserts, copybooks and artist's books Instalation Notebooks and scattered annotations Objects Paintings and related Performance Visual Poetry
Genre Audiovisual Super 8 VT Drawing, collages and related Inserts, copybooks and artist's books Instalation Notebooks and scattered annotations Objects Paintings and related Performance Visual Poetry
Apenas uma Noticia Antiga, 2010 Técnica mista, 62.00 X 50.00 X 50.00 Works, Series and Collections: Apenas (Just),Risco Arisco (Risky Risk) Expositions: Risco Arisco (Risky Risk)